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butter top bar

Monday, February 7, 2011

Maple Colby Jack Egg Sandwich

 I use butter to cook my eggs, not cooking spray. 
And do you know why? Because butter is good.
You might be thinking, big deal, right? Well, using butter makes the eggs taste better, which is important, and the eggs totally don't stick in the slightest to the pan. I only used one egg for this sandwich, but I made an extra to eat for extra protein, since I'm pretty sore from skiing three days in a row in Vermont.
 Things I like: Maple syrup, butter, brown sugar, marshmallows, lemons, and poppy seeds. Not that most of those things are related to this sandwich, but who cares?
 This syrup is from Canada. Yes, how strange. I just got back from a ski trip to Vermont, and I'm using Canadian syrup? I actually made this at work, and this what they had, so it is what I used. It was pretty tasty!
Maple Colby Jack Egg Sandwich
2 slices of potato bread, or bread of your choice
1 egg
1 slice of colby jack cheese
2 tbsp maple syrup (the real stuff)
butter for frying egg

Melt butter in the pan, fry egg over-hard, with yolk broken. 
Toast two pieces of your favorite bread (I used potato). Spread maple syrup evenly on one side of each piece of toast. 
Place cheese on bread, place egg on top of cheese. Cut in half, prepare to say "yum".

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